5 February 2014, Wednesday

Find today's questions and answers.
5 February 2014, Wednesday
  • Mozart's Piano Concerto No.21 in C major is sometimes referred to as "the theme from Elvira Madigan". Who was Elvira Madigan?
    A Danish tightrope walker: The concerto was used in a movie about her life
    Submitted by George Raath


  • What is a "thimblerig"?               
    A game in which three inverted thimbles or cups are quickly moved around and the contestant has to guess which one contains a pea or small ball
    Submitted by Steve Buckley


  • What was the name given to the plane that dropped the second atomic bomb on Japan in 1945?
    Submitted by Ken Scriven


Congratulations to today's winner, Pierre Roestorf!

On Air
20:00 - 23:00

The Full Works

with Richard Cock


Now Playing
Mass No.2 In E Minor (Complete) - Anton Bruckner

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